This is about us, when we noticed that people purchased software license keys but didn’t receive genuine keys. They got scammed by different online shops. We wanted a change and created, a platform where people can get genuine license keys to software at affordable prices.

We believe in fast, secure, and customer-friendly support for our beloved customers. They will receive instant delivery to the Email address provided at the time of purchase. They will also receive the safest transaction methods and a dedicated support system if they need assistance in purchasing software license keys. 

The users will get different types of software keys at our shop, which include:

  1. AOMEI
  2. CCleaner
  3. Corel
  4. EaseUS
  5. IObit
  6. MindManager
  7. Stellar
  8. VMware
  9. McAfee
  10. Bitdefender

Maybe there is a question arises in your mind: why should we choose (

The answer to this or any other type of question comes to your mind about us. 

First, they will get a genuine license key for their required software at affordable prices. They can pay the amount in a safe and secure payment system we provide, which is eligible all over the world. After the payment, you will get the license key in your Email in a few minutes.


You can contact us at

If you face any problems purchasing keys.